Mark B.: Stats: AGE:13 GENDER:M INFO:Loves video games and is like 1 uv my best friends...maybe i'll interview him or he'll review sumthin...he plays FF8 all day cuz he duzn't hav cable Steve P.: Stats: AGE:12 GENDER:M INFO:O God....what is there to say.......he seems like he just isn't all there if ya know what i meen..u know how people say "the lights are on but noone's home"? well for him the electricity ran out and the people Alex U.: Stats: AGE:11 GENDER:M INFO:Spends half his time e-mailing me to give him cheats for Tony Hawk 64 and was SUPPOSED to do the review but never did! Frank and Steve S.:Stats: AGE: FRANK:11 STEVE:9? GENDERS:M INFO:Definitely my bestest friends in the whole wide world place universe thing. They don't play vids unless over my house when we play the demo of THPS 2. Mike O.:Stats: AGE:11 GENDER:M INFO:Very demanding when it comes 2 games and won't let n e 1 else have a turn...j/k lol he likes any game..pretty much any game. Uhhh thats all the friends I can think of...I must not have that many!!lol c ya l8er --bw177 |