Issue #1, JUNE 2000 HELLO PEOPLE! This is where I'll dish out all the codes I've got for PS-X. There aren't that many this time but there will be in the future. KEY:O=Circle[]=square, X=X,T=Triangle,R=right,d=down,u=up,l=left,dl=downleft, dr=downright,ur=upright,ul=upleft,R1=R1,L1=L1,L2=L2,R2=R2, SELECT=select button,START=start button. ARMY MEN:WORLD WAR INVISIBLE PLAYER To make your character invisible, press R1-L1-X-O-O-[]-[]-R1-O at the main menu. LEVEL SELECT To select any level, press R1+R2,L1+L2,O,[] at the main menu. UNLOCK ALL WEAPONS To unlock all the weapons in the game, press X-X-T-O-U-U-D-[], T, at the main menu. COVERT OPS:NUCLEAR DAWN SECOND GAME MODE W/ INFINITE AMMO To play through the game a second time with infinite ammo,complete Scenario A:Paris on any difficulty level. DIE HARD TRILOGY 2:VIVA LAS VEGAS NOTE:ALL OF THESE CODES SHOULD BE DONE WHILE IN THE PAUSE MENU!!! ALL WEAPONS []-[]-O-O-L1-L1 AUTO RELOAD IN SHOOTER MODE []-[]-T-T-O-O BIG HEAD MODE R1-R1-L1-L1-T-T DISABLE LASER SIGHT L1-L1-T-T-L1-L1-L1 ELECTRIC MAN(IN ADVENTURE MODE) []-[]-L1-L1-R1-R1 1ST PERSON VIEW(ADVENTURE MODE) O-T-T-[] INFINITE AMMO L1-L1-R1-R1-O-O INVINCIBILITY T-T-O-O-L1-L2
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