An E-zine is an online magazine. My E-zine is for video games and codes for Playstation,because,well,everyone knows Playstation is the best system! You'll find Reviews,Previews, Interviews,(With my friends who are video game experts)and articles about company gossip and stuff like that. I hope you enjoy my e-zine!:)
To create this e-zine, I just sat down and wrote about what I liked. The first thing that popped into my head was video games! Some of the stuff in my site was done by me, my family, my friends, and by...well...YOU!(duuuuh!)
I hope you enjoy this e-zine. Be sure to sign my guestbook at the bottom of the screen to let me know what you think (or to contribute articles or ideas). I'll be updating frequently, so check back often!
In this area, I'll tell about the different parts of my site: Articles:This part will tell about new games and codes that came out. Also some gossip and stuff like that. Interviews:I'll interview my friends just as a "second opinion" to all my reviews.Also I'll ask them how they got into games. Reviews:It is it's own definition. This is where me and some of my friends will review games. Mailbag:Here I'll answer questions about codes, games, etc. Archive:This is where ALL my current codes will be. If you have a code you'd like to contribute, sign my guestbook and put it in there.If its good enough it'll make it onto my site!!!! Playstation News:News about PS-X and PS2 ME:Stuff about me..I did this cause I was very bored! ATTENTION!!!!:This is a page to put all stuff that you should know before viewing my site. Special Thanx:Thanks to everyone who helped me.
Here's where my guestbook is..err will be when i get one..hehheh..