In the news this issue,we talk about PS2. The huge demand in Japan will probably make Sony have a second thought:Produce more PS2's!!! The number in Japan of PS2's sold in the first week was some crazy number like 905,000.All I know is, it was close to a million. The PS2 looks a little like the regular PS-X. I still can't figure out if it stands up or lies down.They show pics of both. You can also play your PS-X games on PS2, so if you get lonely one day you can play 'em for that old school feeling. PS2 also can play DVDs.AND you can "Raise the Res" of your old PS-X games!That's right!!!You'll be able to increase the smootheness of the graphics on your old PS-X games. Square will also take part in PS2 with the release of Final Fantasy 9. No one knows when it comes out yet,though. Thats all for the news this time. Look for PS2 in stores in October....maybe earlier!!! C ya later --bw177 |